"Building Connections, Extending Adventures"

Format Abstract / Full Paper Template
GTC2021 accepts submission of abstract for presentation at the conference. Submission of the Full Paper is required for authors who wish to be considered for the Best Paper Award/Research Grant/Journal Publication.
Submissions and Acceptance
Publication Opportunities
Extended abstracts presented at GTC2021 will be published in the conference proceedings with ISBN and DOI.
All accepted papers will be published in one of the following journals, subject to compliance with the journals' editorial standards and procedures including publication and proofreading fees (if applicable).
i. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management (JSSM)
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management is a Scopus indexed journal, aims to publish scientific articles related to sustainable science; i.e. an interaction between natural sciences, social science, technologies and management for sustainable development and wise use of resources. See details at:
ii. Journal of Business and Social Development (JBSD)
Journal of Business and Social Development is an international journal published twice a year; cited by MyCite, UDLEdge Social Science & Humanities Citation Index and Focus (Journals and Conference Proceedings). JBSD aims to publish scientific articles on arts and social sciences, applied arts, applied sciences, accounting, business and economics. See details at:
iii. TEAM Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
TEAM Journal of Hospitality and Tourism aims to enlighten and support developments in Hotel and Hospitality Industry Management, Culinary Arts and Food Services Management and Hospitality and Tourism Education. This journal is indexed in CAB INTERNATIONAL (CABI) CIRET, MyCite, UDLedge Social Science & Humanities Citation Index (SS&HCI) and Focus (Journal and Conference Proceedings). See details at:
iv. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Arts (JTHCA)
Journal of Tourism, Hospitality, and Culinary Arts (JTHCA), an international-refereed journal, aims at initiating and stimulating hospitality and tourism-related discussions among the academic community, managers, and decision makers both in the private and public sectors. The journal covers all types of empirical and conceptual research on issues relevant to developments in the hospitality and tourism industry. See details at:
v. BIMP-EAGA Journal for Sustainable Tourism Development
The journal's main goal is to provide a platform for knowledge dissemination on sustainable tourism development issues in the BIMP-EAGA (Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area) region. It provides a forum for researchers in various areas and fields of expertise to publish their research findings, research report, reviews and any outcome related to the BIMP-EAGA regions from academic discourse avenues such as conferences, seminars and workshops especially those organised by BE-UTD. The journal aims to be the leading data bank and point of reference that enriches the publications for the BIMP-EAGA region and published by BIMP-EAGA Unit for Tourism Development (BE-UTD). See details at:
vi. International Journal of Event, Tourism and Hospitality
This is the latest journal published by Universiti Utara Malaysia under the School of Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management (STHEM). See details at:
vii. Asian Academy of Management Journal (AAMJ)​
The Asian Academy of Management Journal (AAMJ) is a refereed journal that is jointly published by the Asian Academy of Management (AAM) and Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia. The journal endeavors to provide forums for academicians and practitioners who are interested in the discussion of current and future issues and challenges impacting the Asian Management as well as promoting and disseminating relevant, high quality research in the field of management. The journal has an established and long history of publishing quality research findings from researchers not only in the Asian region but also globally. It is a journal published by an APEX university and currently indexed in Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and EBSCO databases. See details at:
vii. Journal of Global Hospitality and Tourism (JGHT)
Journal of Global Hospitality and Tourism (JGHT) is an international non-profit, open access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal by the University of South Florida (USF) M3 Publishing. The main objective of JGHT is to provide an intellectual platform and ideas for international scholars, by promoting studies related to global hospitality and tourism. JGHT publishes original research articles, review papers and communications that identify, explain, analyze and review real-world business phenomena/issues. See details at: